Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today's the one year anniversary.....

February 23rd, 2011 marked the day in our lives that everything changed. Unbeknownst to us on this day last year did we know the road we were being put on.  McKenna and I have spent lots of time talking about the what-ifs, the what-didn'ts and the should-haves over the last couple of weeks as this anniversary approached.  

We discussed how it's just a day , but that isn't true.  McKenna lost her ability to go into light without sunglasses 24/7, to enjoy public places because any noise is extreme to her, to have conversations with more than one person or her brain just shuts down  and the ability to READ.....her most favorite thing  in the world.  I haven't even touched on the pain piece yet and that is the most heartbreaking.

She went to the Dr. yesterday and wore a bright coral shirt with cute scarf.  Her hair was shiny as it had just been washed and she had her nails painted! She LOOKED sweet.  As the conversation got more in depth the Dr had asked different things and one of my answers was "People have an expectation of what they think someone who has a headache of a 9/10 should "look" like.  Sometimes kenna does look like that, in fact most everyday at home her functioning with little things is excruciating, then we plan our week.  We know that if she has appts on Tuesday that we need to wash her hair no later than Sunday because she needs time to recover, and her bath then needs to be on Monday.  If I paint her nails we know it will cause one seizure and a 2-hour nap.  All that just so when she finally gets out of the house she can feel good about how she looks.......after all brain injury or NOT she's still a teenage girl"!

Today we are putting 3 things each into a bucket that we want to accomplish in the next year.  We chose a bucket because kenna always says it seems like her and I are this bucket together! :)

We are also going to burn a calendar of the last year and light a candle.  

I have learned so much from this last year. A lot of which was not pleasant but the strength that my 17 year old 93 pound fighter has....astounds me every day!

I am proud to be in this bucket with McKenna!!!


  1. Kenna is just so amazing, and she's got the best person right along with her. I wish I was there to help from day to day. :( Keep holding on, sis!!! We are never giving up.

  2. I agree with Lauren, she and I are very good friends and I hear a lot about Kenna, and get updates from her as well, I Pray that real soon a miracle will happen and this will all seem like a really super bad nightmare, I Pray that God can give you strength and support to help you get through it all, so sorry this has happened but I remember the day Lauren told me just didn't seem like it was anything but a small accident yet we see thats not so.....Im Praying everyday for that Miracle....Teena
