Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow's outcome may change Kenna's life!

After the news report on Kare 11 was aired a specialist from Inver Grove Heights contacted us and wanted to help.  He makes prosthetic eye lenses that would enable McKenna to be more comfortable in her day to day life.  These lenses would block out all light except for the small part in the middle where it would be polarized.  We find out tomorrow if she is a candidate for these.  Just to have this particular Dr watching Kenna's story at the right time gives me hope that we are on the right journey to help her. 

Oddly enough, tonight the same reporter who did her first story contacted me to find out how the benefit went and why her viewers are contacting her with questions regarding the inability to send donations to Kenna's account.  As many of you know the benefit ended very poorly and I have only chosen now to write about it as Kare 11 is coming to do a story on it and it will be on the news. 

I believe that there were only good intentions at the beginning.  I also think we as parents should have thought more about who was running it.  There were too many decisions and too much work for one person to run it themselves and with this particular individual having no experience whatsoever with organizing anything it was a recipe for disaster.  When time was running out and even the smallest of things were not getting done we started to question what was left.  The fun details had been thought of but the major ones, the ones that would make this benefit a success were no where near being completed.  As things spiraled out of control the coordinators ego did also.  This became a self-esteem builder benefit for her rather than a benefit for our daughter and her parents were at the helm encouraging her behavior on.  The statuses on facebook that revealed her true intentions, "sorry if  I'm selfish but a little acknowledgment would be nice"  were just a foretaste of things to come. It was evident at the benefit when she wasn't even sober enough to answer questions asked of her that she just couldn't handle and didn't care about McKenna.  She had everyone make the checks out to her the day of the benefit.......odd?  She has no qualifications, NEVER has been involved in Kenna's care whatsoever or has any legal right to make any decisions for McKenna or her medical bills.  When opening a new bank account, different than the one set up for this benefit she deposited 60% of Kenna's funds saying she had the right to decide what was paid.  I know that there aren't very many people who attended the benefit that thought this person should be in charge of "their" donation money and where it went.  She acted as if they personally gave her money and said "please decide what to do with it". Since she decided to take matters into her own hands the bank has frozen all assets for Kenna due to fraud.  Even the police showing up at her door didn't faze her.  The police investigator called us back and said "that girl's crazy"!

Unfortunately, It's Kenna that is hurting most of all.  She has lost her grandparents in all this too, as they have stood behind the unacceptable actions of their daughter.  It will take us going to court in front of a judge to fix this.......but by no means is this the end.  We will make sure Kenna gets what she needs and that our family unit stays as strong as ever.  When all is said and done the losers are the ones who no longer have the privilege to be a part of their grandchildren's lives. How sad...............

Just got a phone call from the establishment that the "coordinator" booked to hold Kenna's benefit...........she never paid the bill! WOW, that's a responsible individual there. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What happened?! Inquiring minds want to know.

What Happened?!

You may be wondering what the "full" story is of this incredible young woman.  I thought I'd share with you her story.

On  Feb. 23rd 2011 McKenna was in her sophomore gym class.   McKenna collided with another male student much larger than herself in the head.  Let's just say he broke his glasses and she broke her head.  She sustained 2 complete fractures to her cheek bone and a concussion.  Those symptoms were evident immediately and treated accordingly. McKenna's hit was so severe that her brain bounced not only side to side but front to back as her head slammed onto the wood gym floor.  This last blow to the back of her head crushed the 2 main nerves called Occipital nerves and has left them permanently damaged for life.  The pain that goes with nerves that have been crushed is incomprehensible.  It's the kind of pain that is so intolerable you cannot lead your life.  We fought for an experimental surgery in hopes that she would find some relief from this pain even though it included putting a stimulator in her skull.  I'm happy to report that her pain on a good day is now a 3/10 instead of a constant 9/10!

McKenna will always have damage to parts of her brain from this.  Her central nervous system has been affected to the point where her eyes will not constrict or un-dilate.  What that means is that McKenna has extreme pain from any light source.  She will have to wear special glasses anytime she is not in total darkness and even at that there is still pain because the glasses can't possible block out as much light as she needs. 

She also suffers from hyperacusis.  That is also caused by the blows to her central nervous system and involves her ears.  She hears at such an acute level that going anywhere outside our controlled environment at home is hurtful to her.  If there is a loud noise of any kind McKenna's body goes immediately into a seizure due to shock.  This makes her world very small.  She doesn't go much of anywhere other than her needed Dr appointments. 

Her brain does not want to acknowledge the right side of her world.  The Dr's are not quite sure why as they usually see this stroke patients.  At any rate,  when we go anywhere I constantly have to be on her right side holding onto her so she doesn't fall or trip.  I have to add that if you see McKenna out with me she will always have a smile on her face, even through her pain she still want to make someone elses day brighter by smiling at them.

McKenna's eyes to not converge which means they do not work together to be able to read.  Anytime there is an eye strengthening exercise tried her migraine goes off the charts and she's in bed for days.  Reading was one of McKenna's passions and this has effected her the greatest!

The last but by no means the least are her migraines.  For the last 19 months straight she has suffered from a migraine that is a 9/10. Nothing we have tried has helped with this.  McKenna has been on a total of 27 different medications trying to control her headaches without success along with many other types of regimens. 

We're not sure what McKenna's future looks like at this time but one thing I do know,  she is the strongest most courageous young woman I know and I'm so very blessed to be the one by her side going through this with her!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The day finally came!

McKenna had her permanent surgery last Monday.  It's so weird to think it's over seeing how it took so long to get to that point.  Waiting in pre-op was very surreal, almost like we couldn't believe we were hours away from her surgery. 

We totally knew what to expect, what the results would be and how this surgery being done will only tone down her Occipital Neuralgia pain to a livable number.  I'm getting the impression that others around us expected this to be a cure.  It's definitely nothing of the sorts, but at least this stimulator can give McKenna 5 years(hopefully) of a better quality of life than she would have had before. 

McKenna will always suffer from this Occipital Neuralgia as there is no cure (her nerves are permanently damaged), her migraine is still a 9/10, her eyes will always claim her as visually disabled.  Her hearing is the one thing that has improved ever so slightly but we'll take anything!

Knowing that this surgery decreased her horrific, unyielding, make you want to lay down and die PAIN is enough HOPE to get up the next day and go on. 

We are so thankful for every one's prayers and support through this as my own faith is being tested more than I think I can handle. 


Monday, September 10, 2012

First Hurdle Done.......

McKenna's surgery went well today.  She's in a lot of pain right now from her incision sight as she has wires coming out of it for the simulator box.  Every time she moves or coughs it pulls on the wires which in turn is pulling on the incision itself.  They didn't make sure she as all the way under before starting to shave her head with a razor blade and she said the pain was so extreme that it took her breath away and that she was crying so hard she couldn't talk.  They started to add medicine to her IV and she finally went to sleep, hearing that gave me the feeling like I failed her. Like I had somehow NOT conveyed the sensitivity of her scalp and pain level. Trust me........that won't happen again.  

It's been a long day, we didn't even get home until 4pm. and we left at 6:30 this morning.  We have pain meds for Kenna which she is on every 4 hours throughout the night and Zofran which helps with the nausea.  As of right now she says her occipital neuralgia pain is at a 4/10 which is a big difference from her never changing 9/10 over the last 18 months.  We have high hopes this works, just because her pain level today is down doesn't necessarily mean tomorrow will be just as good.  It's literally a day by day thing at this time.

Please keep praying for strength and healing as she's definitely going to need it over the next few weeks.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's finally here....

Well, tomorrow is McKenna's surgery day.  Surgery starts at 9:30 in the morning with arrival time of 7:30.  After seeing the surgeon Friday we learned a lot of details we didn't know previously, such as if she doesn't get at least 50% relief from tomorrows procedure they will not do the permanent one. Also, the device implanted will only work for about 5 years then her central nervous system will get used to it and her pain will come back.  With that statement made we asked the Dr what happens then and he said that hopefully there will be another stride in Occipital Neuralgia treatments made. 

Scared to death! That's all I can say about how I'm feeling for my daughter tomorrow.  I had to know some details but couldn't bare others.  They will have to shave her long hair from the crown of her head down and wake her up mid-surgery to see if they have the implant where it needs to be.  I honestly can't even think about the possibility of this NOT working to relieve her pain.  I hope that tomorrow I can report AWESOME news!!! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

My heart is overflowing!

Thank GOD!!! Today we learned that Blue Cross will cover Kenna's surgery!!!!

I can't even paint a picture with words to show what it was like at our house during that phone call bringing the good news!!!

Every single person was crying with JOY! We are still in shock, at times it still doesn't seem real.  We are looking at mid September for relief for Kenna but we'll take it!!!

I spent the day on the phone trying to orchestrate appts and find out what our portion of the surgery will be. Anything will be better than the $100,000. we were told before.

I'm going to go celebrate with my family tonight.........Thanks for every one's support!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wish I had better news.....

It's been over a month since my last blog, I guess I was holding out for some great news to report.  I don't have great news but we are still waiting for the appeal for Kenna's surgery and I guess waiting is better than the common "no" we usually hear. 

McKenna had an appt with the neuro-opthamologist last Monday.  This particular Dr is the top in our state.....we are always referred to her by everyone we see.  Not having seen her for over a year we went with guarded but excited spirits.  Last time we saw her she told us that Kenna's injury was on the severe side and it would take a year from the injury to get better. When last Feb. came and her eyes were no better we lost hope in this specialist, and maybe thought someone else would have more insight.  We've been around that block a time or two and found that no one seems to know why Kenna's eyes are so bad.

We were called into her exam room, where the four of us sat, Mark, Kenna, Dr. Ruebenfeld and myself.  She asked us what has changed since she last saw us 15 months ago......we answered "nothing".  The look of surprise on her face kind of shook me.  I thought to myself, "hasn't she had any experience in all her years of someone NOT getting better"? She listened while I gave her a run down of the last year and all the Dr's we've seen are seeing and have appt's to see.  She would speak and I'd say "been there, done that, seen him/her". She kept looking at Kenna sitting in the eye exam chair with wonderment.  When approaching her head and giving her forehead the slightest touch Kenna winced and told her how much it hurts. After attempting to touch other places on her head ever so lightly she realized that Kenna cannot stand ANY touch no matter how soft. 

She sat back down in her chair, looked at Mark and I and then looked at Kenna.  The sorrow I saw in her eyes I had NEVER seen in a Dr before.  She almost looked as if with the prompt of our sadness she could cry right along with us.  I'll never forget her next words as long as I live. She told us "Your daughter's Occipital Neuralgia is so acute that if she doesn't have the surgery her quality of life will never be any better than it is right now". QUALITY OF LIFE!!!!????? What? I didn't even know what to think except to ask her if she'd put that in writing!? She agreed, she wished us well and off we went. 

I don't know how I feel about this still.  We have discussed having Kenna learn braille but I haven't given up HOPE that this is not her life's sentence.  I'm taking a note from my incredibly strong and courageous daughter "Never Give Up"!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why should THIS be easy?!?!?!

We finally got the response from the insurance company pertaining to McKenna's surgery.  They have denied the dr's request.  It's taken a week of the wind being taken out of our sails to regroup.  NOTHING in this last 18 months has gone smooth and easy so we shouldn't be too surprised this didn't either.  I have promised Kenna that no matter what we will somehow, someway get her this surgery to relieve some of her excruiating pain.  Prayers are needed now more than ever.........

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Soooo Much Happiness!

In my last blog I talked about McKenna's newest Dr at the pain management clinic in St Paul.  She has now gone through her sets of shots in the back of her head with little to no relief.  The Dr kept his word and referred us to a surgeon to do the peripheal nerve block stilmulator surgery.  I never thought I'd be excited about one of my children having surgery involving their brain but this comes with such enthusiasm.  Because she did get relief even though brief they believe that this implant will work great for her.  They will make an incision in the back of her hairline (she's nervous about getting her head shaved a bit) where they will then place the electrodes, not sure of how many yet, on the nerves that are crushed from her accident.  Those electrodes will then be hooked up to a pacemaker which will be implanted either in her chest wall or abdomen and trick her brain into thinking there are no pain signals. 

I received the call Friday from the surgeons office telling me they have the order written and are just waiting for prior authorization from our insurance companies.  As soon as that happens she could be in surgery within 2 weeks!!!  The thought of this working still seems too good to be true as she has lived in such severe pain in the back of her skull for 16 months.  She doesn't know what she'd do if she could sleep all the way through the night or brush her hair without crying.

I am so thankful to all of you who pray for her! I will keep you posted......


Monday, April 30, 2012

A ray of HOPE!!!

With hope in our hearts McKenna, Lindsay and I went to the pain management clinic for Kenna's first appt. last Thursday.  The most amazing Dr walked in and we knew immediately that we were in the right place.  He spent 3 hours with us that day and for the first time in 15 months we had found a medical professional that understood Kenna's pain!  She will have 3 rounds of shots to the back of her head starting tomorrow, under sedation and hopefully lastng 24 hours.  The plan is to have 3 set of these and by the 3rd round if her pain hasn't subsided he will get her into surgery without further delay.  We were afraid that she would have to wait 4 months of trial and errors before this would happen.......needless to say we are ecstatic! 

I leave for AZ to visit my mom and dad and will not get to be there for her 1st and 2nd rounds but I can't wait to here how they go!

If surgery is elected they will place a periphal nerve block stimulator into her head and electrodes will run under her neck muscles and attach to a pace-maker under her chest wall.  This device will only cure her occipital neuralgia it will not cure her severe migraines.  At least then maybe we can get her down to the Mayo clinic to a migraine specialist to work on those.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here we go again.....

I was finally contacted today by the United Pain management center to schedule Kenna's first appt.  It may have taken them a month to get back to me but she does have an appt this Thursday at 11:15. we go again. Another new dr, another person to explain every detail of the last 15 months, hopefully this is the place that will help Kenna.  There's a part of McKenna and I both that is scared to look reality in the face.  Will it look like hope or will it look like devastation like so many times before.  Please say some prayers that this is the right place for McKenna to be to finally find some relief and that her brain surgery will either be just a quick 4 month process away or maybe just maybe sooner!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Still pluggin along....

   WOW! What a wonder the internet is.  We belong to a group on facebook for Occipital Neuralgia and through that support group we got the name of a surgeon, 1 of only 30 dr's in the country that implants a surgical stimulator to help those that suffer with Occipital Neuralgia. He happens to be in St. paul no less! We had an appt 2 weeks ago and he said Kenna is definatley a candidate for a periphearal nerve block stimulator.  He also said if we had $100,000.00 dollars he'd do it the following day....LOL!!!! Well, since that's not an option we had to be referred to the United pain management center in St. Paul for a 4 month trial before insurance will cover 90%. We are just waiting now to be contacted by the pain center to get our first appt.  One thing we did find out at this appt. is that Kenna's nerves in the back of her head are permanently damaged, that's why the pain is so severe. This surgery will not "fix" it, it will only trick her brain into thinking the pain is not as bad.  Lots of unknowns.....we don't know how much the stimulator will decrease her pain, we don't know how long it will last, we don't know if there will ever be a cure.  Just like a spinal injury once those nerves are severed or badly damaged there is no repairing them.

My daughter, McKenna sits at these appts listening quietly. Sometimes her brain injury prevents her from understanding everything and she just shuts down. Sometimes the tears roll down her cheeks as she tries to come to terms with what her life holds for her now.  I know I've said this before but her mere strength and perseverance through this amazes me! Throughout the last year we've had so many comments as to what people think she wants to hear.  "You'll still be able to be in the FBI" or "When this is over you''ll pick up where you left off" and my favorite "God has a plan".  Well,  HE may have but I don't believe my God's plan is to make His daughter suffer day after day relentlessly.  I believe He's here but I don't believe it was His plan to hurt McKenna so bad.....

As of now, Kenna has started planting seeds for her garden.  It gives her something to look forward to every day. Now that they're blooming she's even more excited.

On one last note, the OCR (office of civil rights) is now looking into the mishandeling of the circumstances surrounding Kenna's education.  We're looking forward to their findings.

Friday, March 9, 2012

"A little collision in gym class"

I have to laugh at the stupidity of people. At McKenna's appt on Wed. the nurse who was supposed to administer the nerve block shots says to us "I heard you had a little collision in gym class".  Well,  if it was a little collision I'd hate to see what a BIG collision would be like! 

We went to that appt with high hopes. Hopes that for 5 hours Kenna would be free from that pain that wears on her so badly.  Unfortunately, it turned into the appt from hell and we left with our little fighter barely able to walk from the pain and being told to "breathe" because her mind was so overwhelmed!!!  This nurse came at Kenna's head with such brutality and inconsideration that NO ONE has ever treated her in such a manner.  Before I knew to move the nurse aside the damage had been done and Kenna was beyond a world of hurt.  Of course, I scooped her up in my lap and cradled her telling her it would be ok but all the while thinking I should punch this ladies lights out!  All McKenna could do between gasps of pain is cry to go home PLEASE!!!!

As we were leaving the nurse says "sorry for the flare up"! FLARE UP?????? OMG, I was speechless!

There were also other details to this visit like, I should be giving Kenna narcotic shots into her muscles at home, and we should have her on a "cocktail" of sorts of medicine.  

It is scary how much liberty this nurse felt she had concerning my daughter's care.  We are trying to wean her off of anything that is not working NOT add.  The last thing we need is an addiction problem too.......

Monday we have a new appt with a new neurologist. One that specializes in deep brain stimulation and is 1 out of 30 drs in the country to actually to the peripheral nerve block simulator.  Please pray that we have come to a place finally that will help Mckenna!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Just when you need it!

Just now our doorbell rang, standing outside was our local florist.  He handed me a wrapped bundle and said they were for a "McKenna".  McKenna as right behind me and couldn't quite comprehend what was going on. I told her they were for her and we took them into the kitchen.  As I opened the paper she stood in surprise, out of the package was a beautiful lavendar flower arrangement sent to her by her cousin "Leah".  The card stated that she was thinking of her and when Kenna was up to visitors she would like to visit.

I wish Leah could have seen Kenna's face.......she made her day!!! Kenna sits with me at home every day and feels very alone.  The gesture of this kindness was bigger than even I realized until I saw her face.

Thanks YOU Leah!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The countdown begins

One week from today McKenna will be getting another round of shots in her head. At this next appt we will learn what avenues we can take to hopefully get her Occipital Neuralgia under control.  We are hoping that soon she will have enough relief that we can wash her hair and sleep through the night.  I think I'm being too optimistic as far as results in a timely manner......nothing goes quickly in the medical field.  

Spring break starts tomorrow and Troy's week of vacation starts on Monday too!!! Lord help me! It will be a full house all week long......LOL

Kenna doesn't handle change very well and so the added people and different routine will be difficult for her.  We will have to start working on dealing with it today.  

GOD works in mysterious ways. My daughter Taylor is expecting her first baby on August 26th and McKenna is beyond thrilled!  Actually, we ALL are!!! After losing Caleb and Lauren living so far away with the other grandbabies it will be exciting to have a new life around here.  We will find out on April 2nd if it's a boy or girl....I think girl.....BUT I've been wrong before.LOL

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today's the one year anniversary.....

February 23rd, 2011 marked the day in our lives that everything changed. Unbeknownst to us on this day last year did we know the road we were being put on.  McKenna and I have spent lots of time talking about the what-ifs, the what-didn'ts and the should-haves over the last couple of weeks as this anniversary approached.  

We discussed how it's just a day , but that isn't true.  McKenna lost her ability to go into light without sunglasses 24/7, to enjoy public places because any noise is extreme to her, to have conversations with more than one person or her brain just shuts down  and the ability to READ.....her most favorite thing  in the world.  I haven't even touched on the pain piece yet and that is the most heartbreaking.

She went to the Dr. yesterday and wore a bright coral shirt with cute scarf.  Her hair was shiny as it had just been washed and she had her nails painted! She LOOKED sweet.  As the conversation got more in depth the Dr had asked different things and one of my answers was "People have an expectation of what they think someone who has a headache of a 9/10 should "look" like.  Sometimes kenna does look like that, in fact most everyday at home her functioning with little things is excruciating, then we plan our week.  We know that if she has appts on Tuesday that we need to wash her hair no later than Sunday because she needs time to recover, and her bath then needs to be on Monday.  If I paint her nails we know it will cause one seizure and a 2-hour nap.  All that just so when she finally gets out of the house she can feel good about how she looks.......after all brain injury or NOT she's still a teenage girl"!

Today we are putting 3 things each into a bucket that we want to accomplish in the next year.  We chose a bucket because kenna always says it seems like her and I are this bucket together! :)

We are also going to burn a calendar of the last year and light a candle.  

I have learned so much from this last year. A lot of which was not pleasant but the strength that my 17 year old 93 pound fighter has....astounds me every day!

I am proud to be in this bucket with McKenna!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.....

I don't even know how to put into words the experience we had today.  We were under the understanding that McKenna would have another round of shots to the back of her head to find out exactly where they will need to do the surgery.  That in itself was nerve wracking but then as they put her on the table with the x-ray machine I thought something was going to be different.

The next 15 minutes were pure HELL!!! I have never been more scared for one of my children before.  They prepped her neck for this procedure, sterilizing and draping with sanitary cloths.  They then had a series of shots all right but they put into the nerves between her c2,c3 and c4 spaces in her spine! The pain she endured, the crying I heard and the helpless feeling was overwhelming! All McKenna could do was lay on that table face down with her arms at her side paralyzed with fear and pain.

I kept telling her from behind the lead wall that it was almost over and that relief would be soon!  After it was done,  she was so stunned from all that had happened that she could barely talk.  Her brain had literally shut down, and to make things worse it didn't take any of her pain away!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Words cannot express.....

Yesterday McKenna had an appt with a new neurologist, one that specializes in the severe head pain she has.  After 5 minutes the dr. wanted to try nerve blocks on her. That entails 4 shots into the back of the skull into the nerves that are raging with pain!  I was so proud of McKenna........through her tears she said " if Caleb could go through heart surgery then I can do this"! 

Yes, it was horrible for her. Yes, it was horrible to watch, but within 5 minutes the pain in the back of her head was gone. Her migraine is still a 9/10 but the severe pain in the back of her head was gone!  

The block only lasts 5 hours and she went to bed before it wore off so I'm not sure what today will bring, but we will be having a more permanent block done within the week!!!! 

Monday, February 13, 2012


Today was a huge day for McKenna.  We had our 4 month follow-up appt at the audiologist and the acute hearing in her left ear has slightly improved!!! Now her hearing is close to the same in both ears, meaning, she still has horrible acute hearing but now they are both the same rather than the left ear being worse than the right.  For once we got encouraging news at a dr.s appt! LOL

Tomorrow is the BIG appt at the Noran neurological clinic for her occipital neuralgia. Please say some prayers that they can help Kenna with her pain!!!

Here's hoping for a brighter tomorrow!!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well, today started with a birage of phone calls, starting with Kenna's neurologist and ending with an appt for Tuesday with another neurologist who specializes in Occipital Neuralgia. We're hoping that Tuesdays appt brings hope in the way of injections to deaden the occipital nerve in the back of Kenna's head. If these injections are successful that would lead to a more permanent solution to her pain.....or at least some of her pain. I can't even picture what it would be like for Kenna to be able to brush or wash her hair without excruciating pain. How wonderful it would be for her to actually be able to lay down and sleep! When someone suffers from this you can't even hug them because it causes so much pain, that leaves a very lonely feeling!

Here's hoping to very Happy Valentines day for McKenna!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Almost a year

It's been almost a year since Kenna's injury. Last week at the neurologist we were given some different avenues to take. They included a steroid boost (which didn't work), upping the dose of one of her current meds, adding 2 other meds, botox injection, spinal tap and occiptal neuralgia nerve blocks. I look at my daughter and think how brave she is to listen at these appts. knowing that none of them sound pleasant and some sound down right scary.

She said to me yesterday that she never wanted to be a pioneer! She never wanted to be one of those cases that the dr's can't really help with easy solutions. I didn't know what to say at that moment. If I could take every single pain from her and carry it myself I would, for the rest of my life, I would!

I used to think "why" and now I've started to think "why not"? I am going to find relief for my daughter somehow somewhere. It may take us to many places or states but I am not going to accept that she will suffer like this for a lifetime!!!  I guess if God thought I could handle a husband with a brain tumor, the death of my first grandson, and now watching my daughter suffer daily with a TBI I better get to it!!! I better prove he was right rather than telling Him daily that I can't.......

Monday, January 30, 2012

Start of another week.....

Here it is, Monday evening. That is always the calm before the storm. Therapy starts Tuesday at 9am, neurologist at 2:40, other appts Wednesday and Friday.....WHEW!  I have yet to complete The social security benefit forms for Kenna. They seem to be bigger than me I swear!

Keegan has been sick for the past 9 days but will finally be going back to school tomorrow!! :)  I can't wait for spring to get here......the warm sun and green grass will be a very welcome addition.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On top of Tuesday

Tuesday's Kenna's PT appt. Troy was able to bring her which let me do some things around the house....with Music ON! LOL.

McKenna also had an ENT dr's appt also which gave us the knowledge that her deviated septum(sustained in her collision) has no bearing on her migraines. Just more information.....

I've been asked why I named this blog Tidy Houses and Mountains. Well, in a nutshell, My husband Troy has a TBI sustained after having a stroke following his crainiotomy for his brain tumor and needed things very organized so that his days went smoother. Now that Kenna has one too, we live in a pretty tidy house. Their lives do NOT go well in chaos. As I  looked around our home and thought about the mountains we have climbed and are still climbing daily it just seemed  appropriate...Tidy Houses and Mountains. That sums up our lives!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just another Saturday...

Thanks to my best friend Stacie I as able to stay home with Kenna while she took our boys to the Pinewood Derby. Both boys did fairly well but neither of them placed for the district finals.....mixed blessings there!

Lindsay is taking Ethan to Monster Jam tonight! What an opportunity for him as it's not up my alley as far as fun!  Thank You Loubird!

Here is a recipe for an easy, awesome Taco dish when you need something fast to put together.
Taco Bake

1 lb ground beef
1 lg can tomato soup
2 C salsa
2 C shredded cheddar cheese
1 C milk
9 6" flour tortilla shells

Brown your ground beef and set aside. In lg bowl mix soup, salsa, 1 1/2 C cheese and ,milk.  Cut tortilla shells into 1" squares and add to mixture. Combine with hamburger and put in 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 for 50 min. Top with remaining cheese and bake 10 min. more. Enjoy!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Thank God it's Friday! That means we're done with appts for McKenna until next week. By the end of the week there's not much left for her but to lay down and relax. Our week included a new neuro-opthamologist appt., physical therapy and regular therapy. Nothing different news wise for Kenna's eyes, still suffering from photophobia and insufficient convergency. At least another year they say.

Her IMPACT test took everything out of her this time. Having 3 seizures in 20 minutes wasn't comforting, but she persevered on and finished it

Pinewood Derby is tomorrow for Ethan. His car still has no wheels...LOL. I'm sure we'll finish it last minute like everything else!!! Gotta laugh,better than crying :).