Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Almost a year

It's been almost a year since Kenna's injury. Last week at the neurologist we were given some different avenues to take. They included a steroid boost (which didn't work), upping the dose of one of her current meds, adding 2 other meds, botox injection, spinal tap and occiptal neuralgia nerve blocks. I look at my daughter and think how brave she is to listen at these appts. knowing that none of them sound pleasant and some sound down right scary.

She said to me yesterday that she never wanted to be a pioneer! She never wanted to be one of those cases that the dr's can't really help with easy solutions. I didn't know what to say at that moment. If I could take every single pain from her and carry it myself I would, for the rest of my life, I would!

I used to think "why" and now I've started to think "why not"? I am going to find relief for my daughter somehow somewhere. It may take us to many places or states but I am not going to accept that she will suffer like this for a lifetime!!!  I guess if God thought I could handle a husband with a brain tumor, the death of my first grandson, and now watching my daughter suffer daily with a TBI I better get to it!!! I better prove he was right rather than telling Him daily that I can't.......

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