Friday, September 21, 2012

The day finally came!

McKenna had her permanent surgery last Monday.  It's so weird to think it's over seeing how it took so long to get to that point.  Waiting in pre-op was very surreal, almost like we couldn't believe we were hours away from her surgery. 

We totally knew what to expect, what the results would be and how this surgery being done will only tone down her Occipital Neuralgia pain to a livable number.  I'm getting the impression that others around us expected this to be a cure.  It's definitely nothing of the sorts, but at least this stimulator can give McKenna 5 years(hopefully) of a better quality of life than she would have had before. 

McKenna will always suffer from this Occipital Neuralgia as there is no cure (her nerves are permanently damaged), her migraine is still a 9/10, her eyes will always claim her as visually disabled.  Her hearing is the one thing that has improved ever so slightly but we'll take anything!

Knowing that this surgery decreased her horrific, unyielding, make you want to lay down and die PAIN is enough HOPE to get up the next day and go on. 

We are so thankful for every one's prayers and support through this as my own faith is being tested more than I think I can handle. 


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