Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year!

I can't believe it's already 2013 and the busyness of the holidays are behind us! Ours was wonderful with Lauren and her family and my parents coming home for Christmas. 

Since my last post lots has happened.  I've had so many inquiries as to where everything stands with the benefit.  Here's the latest........after contacting the attorney general for MN and sending her all the paperwork, receipts and police reports we had she has decided to take our case and prosecute accordingly.  I told her that I'm sure the "benefit coordinator" will claim ignorance to the laws of charitable benefit/fundraising for MN as stated right on their website.   The good thing is that that is not an excuse for breaking the law she said!!! Thank YOU!!!!  All receipts and ledgers regarding this event has to be kept for a period of 3 years and not one dime of donated monies can be spent prior to the benefit date.  I have the bank statements that show every withdrawal the "coordinator" made at her own discretion, acting as if those funds were hers to do with what she sought fit.  WRONG!!! and all those bracelets that were sold???? Not a dime was given to McKenna or put in her benefit account.  They call that a ponzy scheme.  The law also states in MN that if you have a benefit/fundraiser all monies are to be given immediately without restriction or deduction. Well, we all know that family thought they knew best for our situation and held the funds.  I wonder sometimes how they justify their actions? I'm sure they got advice from someone they think knew the laws and didn't question whether or not it was bad advice or maybe they think it's an excuse that will satisfy the courts......either way whatever they keep telling themselves I hope it works for them as they have no idea.  David wrote a bad check to us for some if the funds, he thought that by going to an attorney it would get him off the hook.  What he must have forgotten to tell that attorney is that the bank teller told him the funds were frozen before the date on the check.HMMMMM........that's illegal.  We have a signed affidavit from that teller stating these facts. Once again.....I have to wonder???? 

Anyway, that is the latest.  Our holiday was great, McKenna's getting stronger and life is good!

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