McKenna's surgery went well today. She's in a lot of pain right now from her incision sight as she has wires coming out of it for the simulator box. Every time she moves or coughs it pulls on the wires which in turn is pulling on the incision itself. They didn't make sure she as all the way under before starting to shave her head with a razor blade and she said the pain was so extreme that it took her breath away and that she was crying so hard she couldn't talk. They started to add medicine to her IV and she finally went to sleep, hearing that gave me the feeling like I failed her. Like I had somehow NOT conveyed the sensitivity of her scalp and pain level. Trust me........that won't happen again.
It's been a long day, we didn't even get home until 4pm. and we left at 6:30 this morning. We have pain meds for Kenna which she is on every 4 hours throughout the night and Zofran which helps with the nausea. As of right now she says her occipital neuralgia pain is at a 4/10 which is a big difference from her never changing 9/10 over the last 18 months. We have high hopes this works, just because her pain level today is down doesn't necessarily mean tomorrow will be just as good. It's literally a day by day thing at this time.
Please keep praying for strength and healing as she's definitely going to need it over the next few weeks.
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